Mamba Secondary School
- SEPT 7/2016
- Yatta.
Interact with the Girls as we learn the importance of sanitation and also supply them with the pads.
Sofia Primary School
- SEPT 9/2016
- Yatta.
Get together and learn as early as now why sanitary towels are important and how our young girl should use them.
Kithendu Secondary School
- SEPT 14/2016
- Yatta.
Regular supply and education on the importance of sanitary towels and we empower our girls.
Illumanthi Primary School
- SEPT 16/2016
- Yatta.
Get together and learn as early as now why sanitary towels are important and how our young girl should use them.
Inyanzaani Primary School
- SEPT 21/2016
- Yatta.
Get together and learn as early as now why sanitary towels are important and how our young girl should use them.